Wednesday, May 16, 2007

No. 0017 - Task Rewarder

I'm not sure how many of you actually uses a software of sort to keep track of daily tasks (ie. Outlook or Lotus or some Palm software), in anycase, I do. My list at work has pretty much became my slave driver with due dates and stuff. For as much as it has became my source of stress, I couldn't describe the joy I receive from clicking the little box to mark it done. Sometimes I would even hold down the mouse button as I'm pressing the "mark complete" button to extend my few short fragments of a second of satisfaction. Here is a suggestion, what about integrating a task rewarder to our PCs (or Macs to be politically correct). It is quite a simple contraption. All it does is that whenever you get done with a task and you hit that "done" check box, a treat, like candy, will pop up to reward you for a job well done. In this way, your enjoyment will extend from simply clicking the button to a lengthen enjoyment in your mouth. Now of course, computer programs would have to be written to prevent the abuse of the task rewarder. In essences, you can't get rewarded for tasks like "going to the bathroom" or "chit-chatting with your cube-mate" (You get the idea). I can even envision the second generation of the task rewarder already, also known as task punisher. Instead of a reward, it will shock you (ie through your mouse) when a task is not done on a specific date.


Anonymous said...

Would this contraption be plugged in to some USB drive and sit on top of my tower, or what?

Patrick said...

Think of it like a hard drive. There are internal hard drives and there are external hard drives with USB. Internal task rewarder; external task rewarder with USB.

Anonymous said...

How do you refill the candy?

Patrick said...

Your employer. . . admin